Pittsfield Elementary

Pittsfield Elementary, originally constructed in 1944, is a one-story masonry structure with exterior brick veneer. The school facility is situated on 4 acres in the southeast sector of Ann Arbor. The original structure has experienced at least 5 additions over the years, and currently supports Kindergarten- Grade 5.


  • Building Size41631 sq ft
  • Land Area4 acres


All Active Complete Upcoming
  • A/C and Lighting Upgrades


    Addition of air conditioning and replacement of existing lights with LED light fixtures. Classrooms to have a dimmable lighting system and new ceiling tiles.

  • New Preschool Classroom


    Conversion of an existing space into a new preschool classroom.

  • Paving Project


    Reseal and stripe of pavement on school grounds.


  • Playground Shaded Trees


    Planted 25 native hardwood trees for shading of playgrounds and other outdoor environments.

  • HVAC Building Management System Upgrades


    Updated the school’s Building Management System (BMS) to the latest version including a new graphical interface and mobile, cloud-based access.  The upgrades allow for better systems control, improved occupant comfort and energy efficiency.

  • Water Bottle Filling Stations


    Installation of filtered water bottle filling stations throughout the school.

  • Security Updates


    Update to security system on property.

  • New Playground and Shelter


    New playgrounds and a 12′ shelter were added. New playground items include play structures, double arch swings, space swirl and a merry-go-all.

  • Parking Lot Repairs


    Patching and repair of school parking lot and recreational areas.

  • New Musical Instruments


    Purchase of new musical instruments and pianos for music classrooms and auditoriums.

  • New Classroom Furniture


    New, flexible, classroom furniture was added to create a more accessible, engaging and student-centered environment.

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